

What is an 机构 Account?

机构 accounts are those accounts established by the University for Non-University entities, such as fraternities and sororities, 其他学生团体, faculty and staff projects, and outside organizations or activities. 这些实体的活动直接或间接地为大学社区提供服务或利益. All budget and financial transactions, 包括收据, 障碍, 和支出, are reflected in the accounting records for each 机构.

Student organizations registered with the Student Government Association (SGA), which also receive SGA grant money, are required to have an agency account for tracking purposes.

Although the instructions contained on this site are addressed to organization Treasurers, 其他干事和也有责任通过经常检查和核查财务记录来确保问责制的顾问应仔细审查这些记录.

Opening an 机构 Account


的 Controller’s Office will assign each 机构 account a unique alphanumeric code, known as an 指数. An index is between four and six characters long and is usually a part, 或缩写, of the name of the account. This will be the 机构 "account number" and will be needed on all Purchases Orders, 机构凭证, 校内的凭证, 旅行授权, 和存款. 了解你的索引!


的 Office of the Controller recommends the use of a 现金分类帐 for maintaining account records.

All 机构 account transactions should be recorded in the 现金分类帐.

  • 存款:在“存款/贷记”栏记录存款金额,在“单据号”栏记录收款号码.”列.
  • 支出:在“取款/借记”栏记录支出金额,在“单据号”栏记录发票号码.”列.

A ledger other than the 现金分类帐, 可以使用, but it is recommended to use the same accounting format.


审计长办公室在每个春季学期结束时收集机构账户财务记录进行审计. 的 Budget Coordinator will perform this audit.

的 following items are requested at the time of audit:

  • 现金分类帐 worksheets
  • 零用现金记录
  • 机构 & 校内的凭证
  • 收银员收据

All outstanding bills need to be paid before the audit. 所有零用现金账户和代理采购订单必须在春季学期结束前结清. 提交审计材料也非常方便组织在暑假期间存储记录. In the fall, the new treasurer can pick up the records at the 控制器的办公室.





机构 Budget Coordinator
Ext. 3522

Ext. 3523



机构筹集和(或)收到的所有资金必须存放在财务主任办公室. All funds collected must be submitted as soon as possible. 直接从这些资金中收取资金和支出是不合适的,也不允许对支出进行跟踪.



存款 are made at the cashier window in the Office of the Controller, located in the first floor of Parsons Hall.

  • 的 机构 account 指数 and an account code must be provided. 账户代码 56304 should be used for deposits for 机构 accounts.
  • If depositing checks, it is necessary to write the 指数 and the account code of 56304 on the back of each check.
  • 的 cashier will produce a receipt for each deposit made. This receipt will have the date and receipt number that should be recorded in the 现金分类帐.





机构 Budget Coordinator
Ext. 3522

Ext. 3523



All disbursements from an 机构 account must be processed through the Office of the Controller.


  1. 直接计费:ISU与某些供应商有协议,允许代理机构直接向大学收取项目账单. 这意味着可以向这些供应商提交代理采购订单,购买商品或服务,供应商将直接向财务主任办公室发送账单. In this case, the 机构 does not need to submit an 机构凭证 for payment. See "直接计费" below for more information.
  2. 代理代金券:代理代金券用于通过向供应商或个人发放支票来付款. See "机构凭证" below for more information.
  3. 零用现金:零用现金是从机构账户中提取的一笔钱,由零用现金管理人保管,用于小额支出. If an organization is required to make a number of small payments, a petty cash fund may be more convenient than individual vouchers. 的 零用现金 Custodian should be the Treasurer, 总统, or the Advisor of the organization. See "零用现金" below for more information regarding petty cash funds.
  4. 资金转移到另一个机构:如果两个机构账户之间达成协议,希望将资金从一个账户转移到另一个账户, please contact the Budget Coordinator for assistance.


ISU与某些供应商有协议,允许代理机构直接向大学收取商品或服务的账单. This means that an 机构 can make purchases from the vendor, and the vendor will bill the Office of the Controller directly. 财务主任办公室将参考帐单上提供的索引,从一个机构的帐户扣款. Some vendors will require an 机构 Purchase order to do this. See "代理采购订单" below for more information about this form.

Vendors that currently allow direct billing include:

  • Sodexo: University food service provider (catering)
  • Ricoh: On-校园 location only
  • 识别+
  • Wooden Graphic Fineline Printing

*Require 代理采购订单.


代理凭证用于通过向供应商或个人签发支票来付款. 填妥并签署的代理凭证与供应商的发票或原始收据一起提交给财务总监办公室,以便付款. Processing time to produce a check once an 机构凭证 has been submitted is typically 3-5 days. 不完整或不正确的凭证将在付款前退还给指导老师进行更正.

Some vendors will allow the purchase of merchandise or services without payment up front. 在这些情况下, an approved 机构 Purchase order would be submitted to the vendor at the time of purchase. 的 vendor would then provide an invoice, which would be paid using an 机构凭证. 请参阅常用供应商列表,了解允许使用代理采购订单进行采购的供应商的信息.

Line-by-line instructions for completing the 机构凭证 can be found by hovering over each field.

代理凭证支付个人提供的服务:当代理凭证被用来支付个人提供的服务完成 W-9形式 must be obtained from the individual to comply with IRS regulations. It should be attached 寄回代理券 before payment can be issued. 支付 to individuals currently employed by Indiana State University should be submitted using a 一次性表格.


代理采购订单 用于从有直接账单协议的供应商处购买商品或从需要PO的供应商处购买商品或服务,如果没有预先付款. This form is completed BEFORE a purchase is made. Detailed directions for processing 代理采购订单s are below:

  1. Complete the form by following the instructions found on the form. 的 instructions are found by hovering over each form field.
  2. Print the three copies by changing the print settings to "Entire Workbook,“并将所有三份签署的副本送交财务主任办公室的预算协调员编号和核准. 的 Office of the Controller retains a copy, the Treasurer retains a copy, and a copy is given to the vendor in lieu of payment.
  3. At the time of purchase, provide the vendor with their copy of the PO. If it is a direct billing situation, the vendor will bill the Office of the Controller directly. 否则, the vendor will provide an invoice, and an 机构凭证 will need to be processed to pay the vendor.
  4. Keep a record of approved 代理采购订单s and numbers.
  5. If the 代理采购订单 will not be used, you must return the two copies (Original Vendor and Organization copy) to the Budget Coordinator. This is the only way it can be cancelled.

Vendors will only accept approved 代理采购订单s.

Purchase of Food/Drink

为机构的活动或会议购买食物/饮料或相关物品,须提交一份 热情好客的形式. If an 机构 is using catering services through Sodexo, the Hospitality Approval Process should be followed as well.

Purchase of ISU Logo Items

学生组织可以通过Barnes and Noble书店与俱乐部的颜色一起设计自己的衬衫和标志. 的se items will be billed directly to the University. Simply follow the steps to place your orders:

  1. 完成一个 代理采购订单 and bring it to the Budget Coordinator in the Office of the Controller for approval and numbering.
  2. 一旦您的代理采购订单得到预算协调员的批准,组织就可以通过联系Yaryna (Yaya) Demska向俱乐部的颜色下订单, Collegiate Brand Advisor at either 847-744-6061 (ext. 108), cell 773-653-0678 or ydemska@clubcolors.com. Attach the artwork to the email.
  3. When ordering with 俱乐部的颜色, provide the following:
    • Shipping address will be the address of the Student Organization. It must include the Organization's name, address, and a contact name of the person ordering the item.
    • 的 billing address will be the Office of the Controller: 200 N 7th Street, 泰瑞豪特, IN 47809 and email address ISU-Finance_Budget@28277cc.com.
    • 给 俱乐部的颜色 the assigned 代理采购订单 number, phone number, and email address.


零用现金基金是从机构账户中提取的一笔钱,由零用现金保管员保管,用于小额支出. If an organization is required to make a number of small payments, a petty cash fund may be more convenient than individual vouchers. 的 零用现金 Custodian should be the Treasurer, 总统, or the Advisor of the organization.

  • An organization can only have one 零用现金 open at a time.
  • An individual can only have one 零用现金 open at a time, even if they are involved in more than one organization.
  • 的 custodian must keep original detailed receipts on how the 零用现金 has been spent.

To Establish 零用现金

  • 准备一份代理凭证,托管人作为收款人,在凭证的描述部分写上“打开零用现金”. 所要求的零用现金数额必须合理,不得超过工程处帐户内的可用资金.
  • 附加一个 零用现金 Request form 寄回代理券. 的 individual requesting the petty cash is considered the Custodian and is personally responsible for the 零用现金 fund.
  • A separate ledger sheet may be completed to help keep track of how the 零用现金 is being spent. Original receipts plus cash on hand must equal the original amount of petty cash at all times. Funds collected from dues or other sources should never be added to the petty cash fund.

To Reimburse 零用现金

  • If petty cash is running low, it can be reimbursed to its original level, through out the Fall and Spring semester. This is done by preparing an 机构凭证, payable to the Custodian, with the explanation of "To Reimburse 零用现金". Original receipts for expense incurred should be attached.

To Close Out 零用现金

  • 与财务主任办公室的预算协调员会面,以协助结清零用现金基金.
  • 当你到财务总监办公室关闭你的基金时,你需要携带所有原始详细收据和剩余现金.
  • 预算协调员将帮助该组织存放剩余现金并完成所有必要的文书工作.


If an 机构 account will be funding travel, a Chrome River Pre-Approval will be required prior to making travel arrangements. 机构 travel could include traveling for conferences, workshops, etc. You will need to contact your advisor to help create the Pre-Approval. 如果在旅行开始前没有在Chrome River获得完全批准,则不报销差旅费用. For assistance in completing Chrome River Pre-Approvals, contact the 旅行 部门 at x3541 or x3542.





机构 Budget Coordinator
Ext. 3522

Ext. 3523